Faculty Handbook

Faculty Handbook – for all CINC policies and resources. If you see something incorrect here or you think something is missing, please email ademars@cincollege.org


We know our faculty are extremely busy, but time spent learning the Populi system will be well-spent and save you frustration in the end. Two valuable resources for learning Populi are the Knowledge base for Courses/ Faculty and the Populi YouTube channel. There are also videos on the Populi site Knowledge Base, under the aptly named Videos tag, but you will find more on the YouTube channel so if you are a person who prefers to learn from video, check that out as well.

Templates and Forms

Guest Speaker Payment Request Form

Template for California Indian Nations College Syllabus

Course Design

The Online Education Initiative of the California Community Colleges created this rubric for online courses. Whether you are teaching online or not, it has some good questions to ask yourself in evaluating your course design, for example, on better embedding instructions within assignments.